Sunday 16 October 2016

The educational author quest is ongoing

However, its important to pick the topic that will sell, two or three ideas are ongoing and the temptation to sell part of the concept as a resource for possible quick cash has to be ignored.

After all Quality Authoring a Companies Tech Support BSI 5750 manual was not a simple task ...

Quote from the weblink:-

"I think everyone has a book inside them. And every teacher I know has a teaching idea or perspective that deserves to be shared with the world."

Once completed however the resource shop on a teachers website may be more successful than the wrong contract

"Be sure to ask lots of questions about the royalty rate you will receive. There are some publishers (none that are listed above) that will pay teachers a very small flat rate for their book and then the company owns the content and never pays out another dime. You’d do far better selling your book as a PDF on TeachersPayTeachers or TeachersNotebook than taking a flat rate from a big publishing house. Don’t do it! You deserve to earn profits from your book every time it sells–and books in the education genre should continue to sell well for many years."

Cited ...

Further links an education book published&oq=have an education book published&aqs=chrome..69i57j69i33.23870j0j4&client=ms-android-sonymobile&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#xxri=1lm

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