Monday 17 October 2016

Contracts, Self Emp or Contract search info employment teaching in college&oq=self employment teaching in college&aqs=chrome..69i57j69i33l3.60288j0j4&client=ms-android-sonymobile&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8

Query ... Become own agency!?

From the * link it seems Pub Liab and other Insurances are a real potential problem.

The procedure to obtain approval involves the completion of a Self Emp Questionnaire by departmental staff. Finance and Business Affairs staff will inform the department after assessing the questionnaire whether gross payment is appropriate. If the matter needs to be referred to HMRC for a ruling the department will be advised. Please be aware that it can take some time for HMRC to respond, depending largely on the complexity of the case.

There are certain key indicators of self-employment that HMRC will normally look at. Self-employment is indicated where:

The individual is able to control not only what work must be done, but also how, where and when.The individual provides the major items of equipment.The individual has to correct unsatisfactory work in his/her own time and at his/her own expense.The individual is free to hire helpers.The individual is contractually obliged to or has the right to provide and pay a substitute.

It should be noted that although many factors are taken into account when looking at whether or not an individual can be classed as self employed, it is not sufficient to simply satisfy the factors listed above.
The individual has to establish to HMRC that they are in business on their own account. Unless there is evidence of financial risk the individual is unlikely to be treated as self employed.

2.7. This system of approval is necessary because the * Tax office insists that it is the nature of the work carried out by the individual and not the status which they have, or claim to have, which dictates whether or not they can be treated as self employed. If the tax office rule that the payment is taxable then * has no choice but to arrange payment through the payroll and incur additional costs of employers National Insurance. This applies irrespective of any letters produced by individuals claiming that they are registered as self-employed whether from other tax offices, firms of accountants or other professional advisers. * will not accept any letters from individuals as proof of self employment.

The following guidelines are based on previous tax office rulings:

any person providing services for mainstream activities such as teaching or lecturing is deemed to be an employee and payments must be routed through the payroll and the appropriate deductions (tax and national insurance) will be taken at source.any person providing temporary or casual technical, secretarial or clerical assistance is deemed to be an employee and payments must be routed through the payroll and the appropriate deductions (tax and national insurance) will be taken at source.  (QUERY ...TEMPs)

Any exceptions to the above must be approved by the * tax office before any invoices are passed for payment.

Requests from all persons who wish to be treated as self-employed will be considered when a fully completed questionnaire is submitted. It will still be necessary in some cases to inform the * tax office of decisions made within Finance and Business Affairs in order to obtain confirmation that they agree with * interpretation of the case. It is at the discretion of the Director of Financial Accounting, Finance and Business Affairs, whether or not a payment can be processed while the necessary information to approve self-employment is obtained. This will be viewed on a case by case basis and will largely depend on the nature of the work carried out and the amount to be paid to the individual.

2.9. Where a person is accepted by * as being self-employed, the following procedures will apply in order to make payment:

Issue official * Purchase Order to confirm the service required. * standard conditions will apply. In particular Departments must not agree to any other non standard payment conditions or penalty clauses.After service has been provided arrange for the individual to submit a formal business invoice, i.e. pre-numbered, preferably pre-printed, containing full business address, brief details of service provided, cross reference to * purchase order and amount due.It is normal practice that the invoice will show the payment due for the work done.The invoice should be processed using the * procedure, in the same way as any other supplier invoice. No Human Resources or Payroll forms should be completed in respect of those approved for self-employment.

-employed persons are responsible for their own public liability and indemnity insurance and are not covered by * policies.

There may be cases where a person has to be treated as an employee for tax purposes but does not otherwise fall into any of the standard * employment categories.

In such cases the procedure to be followed is:

Complete  Form * as and when payments need to be made.

Including personal accident and liability from work completed

We've found 8 quotes from £194.22

Quote ref: B4667777

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Provider Price including Insurance Premium Tax (IPT) 


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Not available



Pay annually


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10 monthly payments

Total: £234.61



Pay annually


Pay monthly


10 monthly payments

Total: £251.64



Pay annually


Pay monthly


10 monthly payments

Total: £252.61



Pay annually


Pay monthly


10 monthly payments

Total: £267.60



Pay annually


Pay monthly


10 monthly payments

Total: £268.46


 Ageas Optima 

Pay annually


Pay monthly


10 monthly payments

Total: £268.46



Pay annually


Pay monthly


10 monthly payments

Total: £274.96


Sherwood Based on the details you've given us


Just public liab

We've found 9 quotes from £54.11

Quote ref: B4667836

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Provider Price including Insurance Premium Tax (IPT) 







 Ageas Optima 





















Lexicon Based on the details you've given us, this provider can't provide a quote.

Zurich Based on the details you've given us, this provider can't provide a quote.

Sherwood Based on the details you've given us, this provider can't provide a quote.

Terms of business (applicable to all quotes)

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