Subject enquiry replies...gen search
Saturday, 18 December 2021
Wednesday, 3 November 2021
Vol tutor 1hr ...thinking...
Wednesday, 25 August 2021
New web-blog
Monday, 2 August 2021
I had a salary once...the 60hr school teacher working term time week
Prevented properly looking after an elderly mum and teenager....the pre 2010 national standardised curriculum took much of the excess planning and resource making for year groups 7-13 out of the equation.
Only two parent families can successfully navigate these wealthy people who are politicians and their decisions...
Allocating grades in covid days ...hopefully now begining to release its hold on the uk and wider world...would have been so much easier with the online national curriculum lesson plans and resources, going back to examinations and not course work or controlled assessment was a big mistake.
Tutoring is different, but losing exam time tutees is a big financial set back...even in micro terms.
Why state pension delayed for 6yrs?
The worry of form filling and bureaucratic power is just would be cheaper for the gov to just pay state pensions properly for 1950s women.
Lots new pages and info qaawyrdscience blog
GCSE Physics info and workpages
Three mobile have caused money chaos requesting dd's 4 days early
& the bank should not allow their dd before ones dated 01, 02 month.
Lots sorting for home repairs that affect 'work space' RSI hands slow things down
All too much ...have nearly lost the use of my middle finger right hand on all of this...and putting things back to normal still has to happen.
Self Assmt Tax Return Accs...prepared early for WTC
Lots hours just as school holidays start to sort the self assessment tax return figs to use in the WTC renewal.
Saturday, 24 July 2021
Sort one thing, then hands aren't ok to keep going....resources through the night coz lots to do and the internet is complety phased tired and hands not ok to sort things at home
Did move small carpet coz home office facilities mixed up repair date beforehand..
All balancing intetnet, sleep and hands if theres a big resource to sort..
All made now
Friday, 23 July 2021
Arrangements for tutees and some protracted agreement delays
More time consuming on a year thats had covid problems
Lots new enquiries
Tidy sorting for home 'office' fixtures-fittings repair & mixup dates delays 2nd calls
Has a) caused very bad rsi hand problems
b) unnecessary time problems ie
............ sorting and no repair = wasted time
c) exhaustion
Thursday, 22 July 2021
Monday, 12 July 2021
Home issues impacting on self emp from home, car issues ditto self emp, resource finding new ks2...
A week of time consuming resolutions to problems/issues, correspondence, work carried out at home (home office) and vehicle repairs
Tuesday, 6 July 2021
RSI ...resources, sorting the home, extra repair sorting hassles has caused hand probs
The extra hard work with tidying, cleaning, sorting for various repairs has caused hands that need very light work for a couple of days.
Sunday, 4 July 2021
30 plus 12 weekly over 26 weeks (2 terms...probably more) is 312 'banked hours')
30 x 6 week summer break is only 180...those weeks wont be no work, but the hours are already completed ...equivalent of 10 weeks in hand
OK the payment isnt at £25 hourly becuse of covid and not all are direct hours and exams were there are extra special considerations. It's approx 9 x £20. There are discounts multi lessons. Out of that are expenses. Its not profit.
RSI hands
Need a rest ...not long but planning can substitute
Emails, tutor website enquiries, tablet file sorting....techie for students...their wifi...changed lessons
Online is more time consuming, over 30hrs weekly ...see more
Researching, Reading the researched info, resource making, tutoring, marking work
At least 40hrs....maths often needs solutions/answers making.
Different tutees need different types resources/tuition. ESOL need more scaffolding support
History went off at a hectic pace, 3 topics
Lots of online work to change to 2 blogs Lang and Lit separate
Mathsmembership made
Blog post specific test topics...newest only few days before the test...mega resource
The Tourism blog is coming along!
Particularly the Scotland pages...NC500 Heart200 etc
Tuesday, 22 June 2021
Reading writing numeracy 2 x 30m primary junior
Added primary/junior reading, writing and numeracy 2 x 30m
Made a Fbk Fundraiser
Sunday, 20 June 2021
Tourism resource
83 views in about 4 days....
Thursday, 17 June 2021
Creating Leisure and Tourism resources
Possibly an e-book...
Book keeping goes with basic accounts teaching
Possibly ...found on facebook
Have to think of my rsi...
Monday, 14 June 2021
New tourism blog
In the real world
Idea is to add a paypal donate or subscribe button
Tuesday, 8 June 2021
Pandemic lockdown, change to online, no exams. Annualised time, Moving to the sort web-blog stage
& thats a huge task especially with rsi!
Monday, 7 June 2021
Maybe create some learning stories...maybe
Tuesday, 25 May 2021
App hassle
Such a hassle getting an app on mi ph late...needed 2 devices and microsoft verify, time wasting...
Monday, 24 May 2021
Half Term sorting the essentials for the home 'office' some tuition resources
After hand mini disaster from moving books and bookcase...fingers right hand
Wednesday, 19 May 2021
Tuesday, 18 May 2021
Updating the web-blogs starts...
A huge task....some resources may be sent to the resource shop
Saturday, 15 May 2021
RSI is a problem when tutees dont have the nounce to plan ahead and communicate, ditto parents who believe tuition is completing assessment tuition lessons the evening before never brings good results and confuses tuition time...the regular tuition hour continued through holiday times works best, so tutees can work things out for themselves and aren't given 'holiday' times that result in their retrograde learning situation.
Making up resources at short notice for big topic tests is really bad for repetitive strain injury hands. If the tutees had my revision guides, if schools didnt mislead dates and timings...if parents would communicate, keep a sensible eye on requirements communicated by schools and pass info on...
Thursday, 13 May 2021
2 more tutor sites
Tutorextra want a card num and monthly payment for messaging!!!
Tuitiontoadvance doesnt say how they will pay tutors
Exam boards posr Assessment materials, all past paper questions mid April
But are the Schools going to use them?
5 named A level and 10 GCSE named student work going to be called for, from each school.
Wednesday, 28 April 2021
Continuous Assessment Summer 2021
Continuous Assessment is creating chaos as tutees want to change tuition times to just before tests. Resource making is taking much longer online as tutees dont have textbooks and it is necessary to create workpages and revision pages to topic specific continuous assessments often communicated by schools close to test dates.
Thursday, 8 April 2021
Student enquiries
Trawled 3 counties and sent 10 messages to potential students.
Saturday, 13 March 2021
Need another bounceback...